1.Creep speed.
The Sinolift allows the truck to manoeuvre in confined areas with the tiller in an upright position, normally one of the braking zones. By activating the Creep speed button, easily accessible by either hand, a top speed of 1.5 km/h is set for the truck. The operator can then freely operate and easily manoeuvre the truck on a tail-lift while loading or unloading.
2.Power and Performance.
Curtis solid state controllers provide smooth acceleration and seamless directional control. Its Regenerative Braking feature adds energy back to the battery to improve efficiency.With AC Power, you will benefit from faster acceleration,more torque, higher efficiency, and lower maintenance
costs due to the brush-less design.
3.Long tiller & low mounting.
A long tiller arm with a low mounting point ensures a large safety clearance between operator and chassis, as well as providing light steering
for sharp corners.